

I'm Chelsey. Wife. Mama to three. Interior Designer. Passionate about all the details that make life beautiful. Thanks so much for stopping by!

XO, Chelsey

Pregnancy Checklist

Pregnancy Checklist

With my due date just two weeks away we are getting to the final baby countdown over here and I have felt that pregnancy urge to get everything ready because you never know when they will come!  It is a little easier that this is my second time doing this because I remember some things that I need to get done from the first time like what is good to take to the hospital and what doesn't really matter or what you wish you had done the first time around.  I put together this pregnancy checklist to get done in the last nine months and hope it helps you out if you are in the final countdown as well.  Let me know if you have any other tips to add to it!


-Treat Yourself to a Mani/Pedi [in the final month it's pretty impossible to bend over and reach your toes to paint them yourself anyways, but I think you deserve a little pampering after nine months of carrying your little babe around and your hands will be seen in lots of newborn pictures so you'll be happy to have them freshly painted]

-Get your Hair Done [now is a good time to get your hair done if you're in need of a cut and any other appointments you need to take care of because it is a lot harder getting out of the house with a newborn and another kid I'm sure!  If I was having a scheduled delivery then I would probably get a blow-out from DryBar so that you don't have to worry about doing your hair and it will look fabulous for a few days]

-Take Maternity Photos [if you haven't already taken some maternity photos, it's a good idea to take some photos of you with your precious baby bump because even though you don't feel like it right now - you might actually miss that bump and you'll want to remember this amazing time in your life when you are growing a new life inside of you.  Even though pregnancy has some really hard moments that come with it, it really is such an incredible thing what our bodies are capable of and you'll love having some photos to look back on] 

-Pack Hospital Bag & Going Home Outfit [I don't think you'll need lots of different outfits for you or your babe while at the hospital because you just stay in a nightgown and keep the baby swaddled mostly, but make sure to have something cute and comfy to come home in for both of you.  Keep in mind that you'll need something to wear that fits about a 5 month pregnant size since that baby bump won't just disappear over night;]

-Put Carseat in your Car [this is probably the most obvious item on the checklist since we all know that you can't bring your new baby home without an infant carseat that is properly installed in your car, so get it in there early and take it to your local police station so they can check to make sure it's correct.  It's also a good idea to get out your other big baby items like the stroller or swing so that you can make sure you know how to use them and they are ready to go]

-Register at the Hospital [it's a great idea to get all your hospital registration done early so that whenever the baby comes you can just check right in without having to worry about any paper work.  Be sure to find out where to park when you arrive at the hospital as well because you will most likely be rushing there.  And if you are going to a new hospital or if this is your first pregnancy then it's also great to take a hospital tour so you are familiar with the place and will know what to expect.  My doctors office also requires all bills to be paid in full by now as well so it's nice to have everything taken care of at this point and just be ready for the baby]

-Make Post-Baby Arrangements [if you are working then make sure you have your maternity leave all planned out as well as your husbands paternity leave.  Make arrangements for family coming into town or if you have someone taking care of your other kids, get baby-sitters and everything arranged so that you know who to call when the baby arrives.  You'll also want to make sure and get your new baby on your insurance within 30 days of them being born so that you avoid any extra hospital bills and everything taken care of through your insurance provider]

-Deep Clean your House [when nesting mode hits me at the end of a pregnancy, I feel like I need to have every room in my house cleaned and spotless to bring home a new baby so it's good to make a checklist and start with one item at a time to get it all done.  We rented a carpet cleaner over the weekend to get our carpets deep cleaned and it made such a difference.  I also took all of our rugs to the dry cleaners to be cleaned.  It's really nice to get these deep cleaning items done that you don't do all the time so that you can feel like your house is put together and the daily small cleaning tasks are more manageable]

-Wash all Newborn Clothes and Blankets [I love getting all the baby clothes out and seeing what you have in every size so you know if you are still in need of anything.  I usually just wash all the newborn and 0-3 month clothes so that you can change sizes of any other bigger clothes later once you know how they fit them.  Get a newborn safe detergent like Dreft and get everything washed and folded and it helps you feel so much more prepared, plus it means you will have clean clothes for awhile for them.]

-Write Thank You notes for Baby Gifts [thank you notes can take awhile to get finished so it's great to get a head start on those before things get really crazy with a new baby to take care of.  Another good idea is to get a thank you gift basket together for the nurses that take care of you at the hospital.  They will appreciate it so much!]

-Get Newborn Photographer Scheduled [do some research on a newborn photographer that you want to use and get them scheduled as soon as you can because you want to make sure they are available the week or two after you have your baby.  The best photographers can be booked months in advance so it's good to get on their schedule and also for you to plan on what the cost will be.  You can also get your baby announcement picked out so it's ready to go once you get your photos done]

-Stock your Fridge & Freezer [make sure you have your kitchen stocked with all the basics and some snacks or meal items that are easy to put together when you need a quick meal.  It's also a great idea to make some meals you can keep in your freezer that your husband can easily put together and have dinner ready for your after the new babe arrives]

-Sign up for Amazon Prime [if you don't already have this, then sign up because it's amazing to be able to order anything at the click of a button and not have to pay shipping, plus it will arrive on your doorstep within a couple of days.  Such a great thing for a new mom when it's hard to just get out of the house for diapers, wipes, toilet paper, or any other items]

-Go Out on Dates [if this is your first baby, then get out as much as you can with your husband and enjoy date nights with just the two of you where you don't have to worry about getting a babysitter - such a nice little luxury.  And if this is your second or third baby on the way, then get some alone time with your spouse as well but also enjoy this last time together with a family of three and give your child all the attention you can while it's just them]

-Sleep and Relax [this is easier said than done since it's so uncomfortable for me sleeping at the end but I know that getting as much sleep as you can right now is important because it will soon be taken away by a new babe and breastfeeding all the time, so try to keep your feet up and relax until they decide to make their arrival.  And ask your husband for a foot rub or back rub]

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