

I'm Chelsey. Wife. Mama to three. Interior Designer. Passionate about all the details that make life beautiful. Thanks so much for stopping by!

XO, Chelsey

Holiday Gift Guide for Kids

Holiday Gift Guide for Kids

I'm so excited to kick off my first gift guide of the season today!!  We are in major Christmas mode over at our house now with all the decorations officially up so I've been really trying to get my shopping done early so we can enjoy December more.  I'm trying to finalize gifts for the kids so here are some things that they either already have and love or things that I'm planning on doing for this year.  I always want to make sure that their gifts are not only good quality, but that the price is right within our budget and I think that all of these are perfect items for a girl or boy that can also be shared by their siblings.  I've also included some non-traditional gifts for kids at the bottom because sometimes I think that experiences can be much more valuable then more stuff so if you have any other ideas to add to that I'd love to hear!  Have a great weekend.   


1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12

13 | 14 | 15 | 16 | 17 | 18 | 19 | 20 | 21 | 22 | 23


-gift certificate to go to build-a-bear workshop and make their own stuffed animal

-a day trip to Disneyland during the holiday season 

-tea-time at the American Girl Doll store with your daughter 

-tickets to do a fun winter activity as a family - skiing, ice skating, sledding

-passes to the zoo, the aquarium, or a museum 

-a date night alone with that child and they get to pick the restaurant, dessert, and movie

-make a photo book of the year or a trip you went on 

-a day at Color Me Mine where they get to paint any kind of pottery piece they want

-tickets to a sporting event - basketball game, hockey, football, whatever your child loves 

Christmas Decor for Girls Room

Christmas Decor for Girls Room

Mommy and Me Matching Beanies

Mommy and Me Matching Beanies